New Design Templates with Icon AI

Creating standout designs in Grandstand just got easier with starter design templates. Choose from a library of dozens of design starters that all feature your logo to automatically setup backgrounds, menu graphics, logo sizing, fonts, and more with one button click. Once the design is started it is easy to tweak it from there by swapping a background or reordering the menu items. Don't like the design? Choose another starter design and start customizing. Choosing a design will never reorder the menu items that are already setup, it will simply use a new layout.

With the new design template tools is a new AI feature that automatically assigns app icons that most closely match the content. This works when an admin user selects a new icon-driven layout. Icon AI will analyze the existing menu setup and assign the icon that best fits, improving the speed to get started and change designs.

More starter designs will be added regularly, including industry specific layouts. At the moment all design templates are available to all packages now.

Along with design templates we have added a new Color Palette Template feature that makes it easy to swap between full, pre-setup color palettes that match a mood, vibe, or style you might be looking for. Learn more about Color Palette Templates here


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