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Setup a Spreadsheet for Batch Uploading Events

The quickest way to upload a large event schedule to your app in Grandstand is to use the Batch Upload tool. Whether you upload it yourself, or you are preparing your spreadsheet for Grandstand’s experts to do it for you, the following tips and tricks will help it go smoothly.

Start with a spreadsheet, it doesn’t matter if it is Google Sheets, Apple’s Numbers or Excel. Eventually you will have to save the file as an .xls or .xlsx file, but you can start in any program. During the setup, ensure your columns match those that are included below. Only those columns that are marked as “Required” must have content loaded, but the more content you have the more useful for your guests and app users. To create your batch upload event schedule, use the following as the columns in your file. Each event item should be its own row. And we cap event batch upload to 1,000 items.

  • Event Title (Required): Short title of each event.
  • Calendar Group (Required): Multiple Calendar Groups exist for your app. This name must exactly match the calendar group name you would like it to go into. You can upload items to more than one calendar per upload but each item can currently only be added to a single Calendar Group.
  • Category (Required): This name must exactly match the name of the event category you would like it to go into. You can use multiple categories separated with a comma.
  • Date (Required): Please make sure this is a valid date format similar to 9/29/2017. If you have an event that stretches for multiple days it will have to be entered once for each day or you could consider using the Recurrence feature. If the upload goes through but the data does not appear in your account, please make sure these are all valid dates in the proper format and try again.
  • Start Time (Required): Enter the time in 24-hour time (ie: 5:35 pm would be 17:35). The other two options are 'ALL DAY' (all caps) and 'TBD' (all caps). Do not leave this blank.
  • End Time: Suggested but not required. If end time is included 'LIVE NOW' will be shown during the event in your app. Enter the time in 24-hour time (ie: 5:35 pm would be 17:35). Please note that Grandstand now uses End Time instead of Duration. If you used ALL DAY or TBD in Start Time you should leave End Time blank.
  • Description: Detail about the event entry.
  • Location: Match the name/title of the map location exactly as they already appear on Maps -> Add/Edit Location. Any locations do not match exact will stop the upload allowing you to fix and restart the upload.
  • Location Name Override: Sometimes you want the text of the location to be different than the actual map spot. For example if you want to direct someone to Room 121 in the 'Thompson Building' you would mark the Location as 'Thompson Building' and the Location Name Override as 'Room 121'
  • Remote Graphic URL: You must include http:// or https:// and be aware that event graphics will show up full screen width. Please note that Dropbox and Google Drive links will be ignored as they do not link directly to a photo.
  • YouTube ID: Enter just the 11-digit embed id of the video from YouTube. Do not include the full YouTube link.
  • Web Link: You must include http:// or https://
  • Web Link Title: This could be a title like 'BUY TICKETS' or 'LEARN MORE'. If left blank or not included the link will display as 'VIEW WEBSITE'
  • Recurrence Type: Options are "day", "week", or "month" (All lower case)
  • Recurrence Number: Number of times the event recurs (including the first event)
  • Associated List Item: Match the name/title of a single list item exactly as they already appear in any one of your List Groups. Any list items that do not match exact will stop the upload allowing you to fix and restart the upload. Please note if you have more than one matching list item it will only match to the first active one it finds.

Below is a link to a sample spreadsheet with the info already added in. Just as a guide.

Sample Events Spreadsheet


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