The Iowa State Fair is widely regarded as a national treasure and one of the largest summer gatherings in the country. COVID had different plans for the 2020 Iowa State Fair and unfortunately it was canceled two months before its 2020 event. The Iowa State Fair tasked Grandstand with taking over their official fair app earlier in the year and an exciting app was close to release. As plans shifted, so did Grandstand's and Iowa State's path for the official app which changed over to an app focused on Iowa State Fair's three main fair-replacement events.
The first was Taste of the Fair, a two weekend drive thru food experience where Iowans could still get many of their favorite foods they enjoy at the Fair. Grandstand used its Food Finder module to allow for easy filtering and searching through the more than 20 menus available each of the two weekends.
Grandstand also helped implement the beginning of the scaled-down Livestock Show taking place in mid August. Results and video if available will also be included during the weeks of the event.
Finally a Virtual Fair has been planned for the actual days of the Fair with different activities coming each day. More information on each of these activities will be coming as the event get closer.
The altered app also includes integrated Social feeds, Alert signups for each of the three specialty events, and more.
Grandstand will continue to rollout changes to this app throughout the year as it morphs into the 2021 full Iowa State Fair app early next year.